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First, do no harm. Ethical and legal issues of artificial intelligence and machine learning in veterinary radiology and radiation oncology

Cohen EB, Gordon IK. First, do no harm. Ethical and legal issues of artificial intelligence and machine learning in veterinary radiology and radiation oncology. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2022; doi:10.1111/vru.13171.

This review discusses the ethical and legal challenges associated with integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into veterinary radiology and radiation oncology. The authors emphasize the importance of understanding AI terminology, ethical considerations, and regulatory differences compared to human healthcare. Key concerns include the potential for patient harm, lack of regulatory oversight, and euthanasia-related issues unique to veterinary practice. The authors argue that proper validation and ethical planning are essential to avoid negative outcomes and safeguard both patients and the profession.

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