Hanrahan, B. V., Maitland, C., Brown, T., Chen, A., Kagame, F., & Birir, B. (2021). Agency and extraction in emerging industrial drone applications: Imaginaries of Rwandan farm workers and community members. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 4(CSCW3), Article 233, 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1145/3432932
This study explores stakeholder perspectives on the potential implementation of industrial drones on a small commercial farm in Rwanda, using a post-colonial lens. The authors analyzed the hopes and concerns of local farm workers and community members regarding agency and the influence of global power dynamics. Findings suggest that local stakeholders are concerned about maintaining agency over drone systems and data, particularly in the face of multinational data extraction processes. The study advocates for system designs that enhance local control and policies that balance data management to prevent exploitative outcomes.