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Ignorance is bliss? The effect of explanations on perceptions of voice assistants.

Updated: Sep 27

Seymour, W., & Such, J. (2023). Ignorance is bliss? The effect of explanations on perceptions of voice assistants. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW1), Article 64, 1-24.

This study examines how different explanations of voice assistants' functionality affect user perceptions of trust, privacy, and security. A survey of 1,314 voice assistant users revealed that privacy explanations helped alleviate privacy concerns, but trust explanations heightened distrust. Users differentiated between first-party functionality from the voice assistant vendor and third-party functionality from external developers. Trust in vendors appeared to be unaffected by detailed explanations of device operations. The authors suggest using analogies to address trust and privacy concerns and identify areas for improvement in the design and competition of voice assistant technology.

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